Subscribing to Our Resources

A podcast is a type of digital syndication. In short, it’s a way for you to subscribe to digital media content online so that your computer or device downloads new episodes automatically. This way, you’ll always receive any new content, and it comes to you without you having to visit the website.

There are a variety of software programs that allow you to subscribe to podcasts. One of the most popular is iTunes. You can download iTunes for Mac or Windows. Apple has a nice page describing how to subscribe to podcasts in iTunes. This software also allows you to synchronize your podcasts with an iPod so that you can take your episodes on the go.

If you are using a mobile smart phone, such as an iPhone, you can use several different apps to subscribe to podcasts directly on your phone. Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, and Spotify are popular.

Once you have software installed on your computer or an app on a smart device, you’ll need a “feed,” which is simply a link to a specially-formatted webpage. You may subscribe to Reformed Forum content using any of the following feeds.

