Richard B. Gaffin Jr. Reformed Theological Resources Fri, 11 Nov 2022 14:52:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Richard B. Gaffin Jr. – Reformed Forum 32 32 Highlights from 2016 Fri, 30 Dec 2016 05:00:17 +0000 As we head into our tenth year of Christ the Center, we look back at some of our favorite guests and moments from 2016.


  • 425 — David VanDrunen, God’s Glory Alone
  • 428 — Vern Poythress, The Miracles of Jesus
  • 441 — John Galbraith and Danny Olinger on John Galbraith’s Life and Ministry
  • 443 — Alan Strange, Charles Hodge and the Spirituality of the Church
  • 444 — Iain Murray, J. C. Ryle
  • 445 — Lane Tipton, Trinity, Processions, and Missions: The Pactum Salutis
  • 449 — Rob McKenzie and Bob Tarullo, Dispensationalism
  • 452 — Michael Kruger, A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament
  • 453 — Dennis Johnson, Walking withe Jesus through His Word
  • 455 — Richard Gaffin, Jr., Calvin and the Sabbath
  • 461 — Gregg Allison and Chris Castaldo, The Unfinished Reformation
  • 464 — Mark Vanderhart and Cornelis Venema, The Reformed Church in Latvia
  • 467 — Patricia Clawson and Diane Olinger, Choosing the Good Portion: Women of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

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]]> 0 1:49:13As we head into our tenth year of Christ the Center we look back at some of our favorite guests and moments from 2016 Episodes 425 David VanDrunen God s ...Christmas,ChurchHistory,ReformedChurchReformed Forumnono
Calvin and the Sabbath Fri, 16 Sep 2016 04:00:02 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. speaks about Calvin’s views on the Sabbath. In this conversation, we look to Dr. Gaffin’s book Calvin and the Sabbath: The Controversy of Applying the Fourth […]]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. speaks about Calvin’s views on the Sabbath. In this conversation, we look to Dr. Gaffin’s book Calvin and the Sabbath: The Controversy of Applying the Fourth Commandment (Mentor/Christian Focus), which is a revised version of his ThM thesis originally written under the supervision of John Murray at Westminster Theological Seminary in 1961–62. Smith-Corona Silent TypewriterWe also speak about Dr. Gaffin’s exegesis and theological development of Hebrews 3–4 in Pressing Toward the Mark: Essays Commemorating Fifty Years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.


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]]> 0 58:42Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr speaks about Calvin s views on the Sabbath In this conversation we look to Dr Gaffin s book Calvin and the Sabbath The Controversy of ...BiblicalTheology,Calvin,NewTestament,OldTestament,TheLord'sDayReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2015 Fri, 01 Jan 2016 05:00:21 +0000 We ring in the New Year with a retrospective of 2015, bringing to you highlights from twelve of our favorite episodes of the year.

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]]> 0 1:30:58We ring in the New Year with a retrospective of 2015 bringing to you highlights from twelve of our favorite episodes of the year 370 Donald Macleod Understanding the Atonement ...Apologetics,BiblicalTheology,ChurchHistory,NewTestament,OldTestament,PracticalTheology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Philippians 1:6 — A Good Work Begun Tue, 01 Dec 2015 05:00:56 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 0 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr preaches during the morning service at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Justified in the Spirit — Life Giving Spirit (Part Two) Tue, 24 Nov 2015 05:00:42 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference.


]]> 0 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference http www youtube com watch v zMDa JfLIGQ2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
Justified in the Spirit — Life-Giving Spirit (Part One) Tue, 17 Nov 2015 05:00:08 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois.


]]> 2 1:09:18Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake Illinois http www youtube com watch v 4wsgZkmZgfM2015TheologyConferenceReformed Forumnono
The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit Fri, 23 Oct 2015 04:00:04 +0000 We welcome Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. and Dr. Lane G. Tipton to speak about Geerhardus Vos’s seminal article, “The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit,” which is […]]]>

We welcome Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. and Dr. Lane G. Tipton to speak about Geerhardus Vos’s seminal article, “The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit,” which is found in Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos. This episode was recorded live as part of the pre-conference festivities at our 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. You can also watch the videos from each of our main conference sessions.

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]]> 0 1:51:33We welcome Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr and Dr Lane G Tipton to speak about Geerhardus Vos s seminal article The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit ...ChristologyReformed Forumnono
Justified in the Spirit — Life Giving Spirit (Part Two) Sat, 17 Oct 2015 15:30:28 +0000

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Justified in the Spirit — Life-Giving Spirit (Part One) Fri, 16 Oct 2015 23:00:25 +0000

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Pre-Conference: The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Concept of the Spirit Thu, 15 Oct 2015 17:19:03 +0000

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By Faith, Not by Sight Fri, 07 Feb 2014 05:00:34 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. joins us to speak about his book By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation, now in its second edition and published by P&R […]]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. joins us to speak about his book By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation, now in its second edition and published by P&R Publishing. This study in Paul’s theology begins with the recognition that what is of first importance for Paul is the history of salvation, Christ crucified and raised. But the history of redemption does not exclude the application of redemption to believers. Rather, the application of redemption is grounded in its once-for-all accomplishment. Listen in to hear an exciting discussion about an illuminating book.

Dr. Gaffin is Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is also the author of numerous articles and books, including Resurrection and RedemptionCalvin and the SabbathPerspectives on PentecostBy Faith, Not By Sight and he has edited a collection of the shorter writings of Geerhardus Vos, Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation. In May of 2008 Dr. Gaffin entered into honored retirement and was the recipient of a festschrift entitled Resurrection and Eschatology co-edited by Lane G. Tipton and Jeffrey C. Waddington. Christ the Center has featured Dr. Gaffin on several episodes.

Dr. Gaffin’s book was given to the attendees at the 2014 Desiring God Conference for Pastors. The topic of the conference was union with Christ. To introduce the attendees of that conference to Reformed Forum, we compiled many of episodes and links to resources on the doctrine. Please visit our union with Christ page.

Lectures by Dr. Gaffin on union with Christ at Calvary OPC, Ringoes, NJ. Lectures at Matthews OPC. iTunes U: By Faith, Not by Sight. Also available is a PDF version of “The Puritans on Justification, Union with Christ, and Regeneration” in A Puritan Theology, edited by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones.

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]]> 13 01:09:02Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr joins us to speak about his book By Faith Not by Sight Paul and the Order of Salvation now in its second edition and published ...BiblicalTheology,NewTestament,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
Baptism, Covenant, and Election Fri, 06 Apr 2012 04:00:02 +0000 Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. and Lane G. Tipton analyze arguments for credo-baptism and discuss Reformed views of covenant and election. Many Reformed Baptists will be quick to differentiate themselves from […]]]>

Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. and Lane G. Tipton analyze arguments for credo-baptism and discuss Reformed views of covenant and election. Many Reformed Baptists will be quick to differentiate themselves from dispensationalists. They favor a covenantal hermeneutic that seeks to take into account the redemptive-historical features of Scripture. For this reason, many confessing credo-baptists argue that the Old Covenant administration has yielded several features to the New.

For instance, many Reformed Baptists argue that circumcision, the Old Covenant sign of membership, was given to physical seed, but water baptism, the New Covenant sign of membership, should only be given to spiritual seed. Moreover, the covenant included unregenerate members in its previous administration, but all people know the Lord in the New Covenant. Drs. Gaffin and Tipton analyze these and other arguments for credo-baptism.

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]]> 84 58:55Richard B Gaffin Jr and Lane G Tipton analyze arguments for credo baptism and discuss Reformed views of covenant and election Many Reformed Baptists will be quick to differentiate themselves ...BiblicalTheology,KeyEpisodes,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Union with Christ: The Good Work Begun Fri, 18 Nov 2011 17:44:06 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, teaches on the biblical concept of salvation in this is a special presentation titled Alive with Christ: […]]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, teaches on the biblical concept of salvation in this is a special presentation titled Alive with Christ: Saving Union with Christ. This series of addresses comes from the Fall Seminar on Reformed Theology, held on November 12 and 13th 2011 at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Ringoes, NJ. This is the third installment of the series, which is organized as follows:

  1. A Biblical Overview: Dr Richard Gaffin
  2. Regeneration: Dr Lane Tipton
  3. The Good Work Begun: Dr Richard Gaffin
  4. Sanctification: Dr Lane Tipton
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. The Gateway into Fellowship with the Triune God: Rev. Jeff Waddington (Sunday School)
  7. The Gospel: Dr Lane Tipton (Sunday morning service)
  8. Glorification: Rev. James Cassidy (Sunday evening service; sermon re-recorded in March 2021)


]]> 0 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary teaches on the biblical concept of salvation in this is a special presentation titled ...AlivewithChrist:SavingUnionwithChrist,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
A Biblical Overview of Union with Christ Fri, 18 Nov 2011 17:39:42 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary provides a biblical overview of union with Christ in this special presentation titled Alive with Christ: Saving […]]]>

Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary provides a biblical overview of union with Christ in this special presentation titled Alive with Christ: Saving Union with Christ. This series of addresses comes from the Fall Seminar on Reformed Theology, held on November 12 and 13th 2011 at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Ringoes, NJ. This is the first installment of the series, which is as follows:

  1. A Biblical Overview: Dr Richard Gaffin
  2. Regeneration: Dr Lane Tipton
  3. The Good Work Begun: Dr Richard Gaffin
  4. Sanctification: Dr Lane Tipton
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. The Gateway into Fellowship with the Triune God: Rev. Jeff Waddington (Sunday School)
  7. The Gospel: Dr Lane Tipton (Sunday morning service)
  8. Glorification: Rev. James Cassidy (Sunday evening service; sermon re-recorded in March 2021)


]]> 1 Dr Richard B Gaffin Jr Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary provides a biblical overview of union with Christ in this special presentation titled Alive ...AlivewithChrist:SavingUnionwithChrist,SoteriologyReformed Forumnono
Highlights from 2010 Fri, 31 Dec 2010 05:00:54 +0000
Today we finish our third full year of Christ the Center episodes. And to date we’ve been able to bring you a new episode every Friday since we began three years ago. It has become our tradition to close each year with a brief selection of highlights from the year’s episodes. And so today we’re bringing you clips from eight different episodes that we think provide a decent representation of the types of discussions we have on Christ the Center.

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]]> 0 1:06:10Today we finish our third full year of Christ the Center episodes And to date we ve been able to bring you a new episode every Friday since we began ...MiscellanyReformed Forumnono
Perspectives on Pentecost Fri, 12 Mar 2010 05:00:54 +0000 Christ the Center revisited with Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, professor of biblical and systematic theology, emeritus, at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, about the significance of Pentecost for redemptive history […]]]>

Christ the Center revisited with Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, professor of biblical and systematic theology, emeritus, at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, about the significance of Pentecost for redemptive history and the life of the church. Drawing from his book Perspectives on Pentecost and his “Acts and Paul” lecture notes, Dr. Gaffin explained the place of Pentecost as the culmination of that complex of events surrounding the person and work of Jesus Christ which includes his incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension. Pentecost, then, occurs as part of the accomplishment of redemption and is therefore unrepeatable although its significance and effects reverberate throughout the Christian life. This is a rich biblical theological discussion that will repay frequent rehearsals. episode photo by knowhimonline

Books by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

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]]> 17 73:30Christ the Center revisited with Dr Richard B Gaffin professor of biblical and systematic theology emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia about the significance of Pentecost for redemptive history ...BiblicalTheology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Is There a Priority of the Forensic in Historia Salutis? Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:17:22 +0000 Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. discusses the relationship of the forensic to the other elements of the work of Christ in accomplishing redemption for his people. This is an excerpt from Christ the Center episode 57.

]]> 2 3:57Richard B Gaffin Jr discusses the relationship of the forensic to the other elements of the work of Christ in accomplishing redemption for his people This is an excerpt from ...SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono
Sanctification and the Gospel Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:00:56 +0000 Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, joined the Christ the Center panel to discuss the nature of the gospel and the relation of the benefits of redemption to union with Christ. The significance of the contribution of John Calvin was delved into, especially his handling of the duplex gratia dei or two-fold blessing of justification and sanctification, and how this relates to our union with the risen Lord. Of special interest was the conversation about how justification and sanctification relate to each other within union. A discussion was also had regarding the distinction between definitive and progressive sanctification and the biblical basis for that distinction. The panel also discussed the relation of the historia salutis (the history of redemption or the accomplishment of redemption) to the ordo salutis (the order of salvation or its application). Dr. Gaffin is the author of numerous articles and books, including Resurrection and Redemption, Calvin and the Sabbath, Perspectives on Pentecost, By Faith, Not By Sight and he has edited a collection of the shorter writings of Geerhardus Vos, Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation. In May of 2008 Dr. Gaffin entered into honored retirement and was the recipient of a festschrift entitled Resurrection and Eschatology co-edited by Lane G. Tipton and Jeffrey C. Waddington.


  • Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.
  • Jeff Waddington
  • James Dolezal
  • Jim Cassidy
  • Camden Bucey


Bogue, Carl W. Jonathan Edwards and the Covenant of Grace . Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2009.

Gaffin, Richard. By Faith Not By Sight . Paternoster, 2006.

Gaffin, Richard B., Jr. Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology . 2nd ed. P & R Publishing, 1987.

Larson, Mark J. Calvin’s Doctrine of the State: A Reformed Doctrine and Its American Trajectory, the Revolutionary War, and the Founding of the Republic . Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2009.

Payne, Jon D. In The Splendor Of Holiness: Rediscovering the Beauty of Reformed Worship for the 21st Century . First. Tolle Lege Press, 2008

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]]> 15 51:48Dr Richard B Gaffin Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia joined the Christ the Center panel to discuss the nature of the gospel ...BiblicalTheology,Sanctification,Soteriology,SystematicTheologyReformed Forumnono