On this episode of the Reformed Media Review, Nick talks about T. Desmond Alexander’s From Eden to the New Jerusalem: Exploring God’s Plan for Life on Earth and we discuss the best books of 2008.
Alexander, T. Desmond. From Eden to the new Jerusalem : exploring God’s plan for life on earth. Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2008.
Bavinck, Herman. Essays on religion, science, and society. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, 2008.
—. Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 4: Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation. Baker Academic, 2008.
Bavinck, Herman, and J. Mark Beach. Saved by Grace : The Holy Spirit’s Work in Calling and Regeneration. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008.
Beale, G. K. The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism : Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
Beale, G. K., and D. A. Carson. Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Baker Academic, 2007.
Bristley, Eric D., and John. Bolt. Guide to the writings of Herman Bavinck (1854-1921). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008.
Clark, R. Scott. Recovering the Reformed confession : our theology, piety, and practice. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Dennison, James T. Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation: Volume I, 1523-1552. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008.
Doriani, Daniel M. Matthew. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Pub., 2008.
Doriani, Daniel M., Philip Graham Ryken, and Richard D. Phillips. The incarnation in the Gospels. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Fesko, J. Justification: Understanding the Classic Reformed Doctrine. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Genderen, J. van., and W. H. Velema. Concise Reformed Dogmatics. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Hall, David W. A Theological Guide to Calvin’s Institutes: Essays and Analysis. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
—. The Legacy of John Calvin: His Influence on the Modern World. Calvin 500 series. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Horton, Michael Scott. Christless Christianity : the alternative gospel of the American church. Grand Rapids, Mich.: BakerBooks, 2008.
Johnson, Gary L. W., and Ronald N. Gleason. Reforming or Conforming? : Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
Keller, Timothy. The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. Dutton Adult, 2008.
—. The prodigal God : recovering the heart of the Christian faith. New York: Dutton, 2008.
Muether, John. Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2007.
Nichols, Stephen. Jesus Made in America: Cultural History from the Puritans to the Passion of the Christ. Downers Grove Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2008.
Tipton, Lane G., and Jeffrey C. Waddington. Resurrection and Eschatology : Theology in Service of the Church : Essays in Honor of Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Van Til, Cornelius. The Defense of the Faith. 4th ed. Phillipsburg N.J.: P & R Pub., 2008.
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Participants: Camden Bucey, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig

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