The Theology of Samuel Rutherford

The panelists of Christ the Center recently talked with Rev. Dr. Guy Richard, senior minister of First Presbyterian Church (PCA) of Gulfport, MS, about his new study, The Supremacy of God in the Theology of Samuel Rutherford, published by Paternoster/Wipf & Stock. The historical context of the rising tide of Arminianism in Scotland in the 17th century was discussed as was the substance of Rutherford’s polemics, especially his (as yet untranslated) work Examen Arminianismi. Also discussed was the relationship of this study to the Calvin vs the Calvinists debate and Rutherford’s contribution to the developing Reformed political philosophy with his Lex, Rex. The panel concluded with a discussion of the contemporary significance of Rutherford’s theology. All in all, a very rewarding conversation.


Guy Richard on “The Supremacy of God in the Theology of Samuel Rutherford” – Reformation21 Blog.

Owen, John. The death of death in the death of Christ : a treatise in which the whole controversy about universal redemption is fully discussed. London: Banner Of Truth Trust, 1959.

Rhetorfors, Samuel. Examen Arminianismi. Ultrajecti: Smytegelt, 1668.

Richard, Guy. “Samuel Rutherford’s supralapsarianism revealed: a key to the lapsarian position of the Westminster Confession of Faith? Scottish Journal of Theology 59, no. 1 (February 1, 2006): 27-44.

_____. The supremacy of God in the theology of Samuel Rutherford. Milton Keynes U.K.; Colorado Springs Colo.: Paternoster, 2008.

Rutherford, Samuel. A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls presbyterie in Scotland, or, A modest and brotherly dispute of the government of the Church of Scotland wherein our discipline is demonstrated to be the true. London: Printed for Iohn Bartlet …, 1642.

_____. Letters of Samuel Rutherford: a selection. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1973.

_____. Lex, Rex: the law and the prince. London: printed for John Field, 1644.

Samuel Rutherford for the 21st Century – Reformation21

Samuel Rutherford for the 21st Century Part II – Reformation21

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