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September 2019

Schools of Biblical Criticism

Will Wood discusses various approaches to higher criticism, including source, form, and redaction criticism. This conversation dives into a topic that was covered briefly in an episode on the authorship

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Covenant Faithfulness

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Malachi 2:10-16. In these verses, Malachi addresses the covenant unfaithfulness of his people as the men divorce the wives of

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The Mountain of the Lord

Mountains appear throughout the Bible as an important symbol of God meeting with man. In this episode, we trace the biblical-theological theme of mountains in an effort to understand more

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Genesis 25:1–21 — Epilogue to Abraham

In Episode 78 the panel discusses how the story of redemption shifts focus from Abraham to his descendants, and particularly to Isaac and Jacob. Employing a covenantal and redemptive-historical hermeneutic

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Covenant Theology and the Nation in Exile

Camden Bucey introduced Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah to the women’s bible study at Bethel OPC in Wheaton, Illinois. In that lesson, he detailed the basic covenantal structure of the Bible

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What the Lord Expects Us to Know

The Book of Malachi speaks to the people of God after their return from exile in Babylon. They and their leaders are being called to account for offering their worst

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Offering Our Worst to the Lord

In this episode of Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss the first chapter of Malachi and the concern he has for the cold worship offered by his people and

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Schools of Biblical Criticism

Will Wood discusses various approaches to higher criticism, including source, form, and redaction criticism. This conversation dives into a topic that was covered briefly in an episode on the authorship

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Covenant Faithfulness

This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Malachi 2:10-16. In these verses, Malachi addresses the covenant unfaithfulness of his people as the men divorce the wives of

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The Mountain of the Lord

Mountains appear throughout the Bible as an important symbol of God meeting with man. In this episode, we trace the biblical-theological theme of mountains in an effort to understand more

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Genesis 25:1–21 — Epilogue to Abraham

In Episode 78 the panel discusses how the story of redemption shifts focus from Abraham to his descendants, and particularly to Isaac and Jacob. Employing a covenantal and redemptive-historical hermeneutic

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Covenant Theology and the Nation in Exile

Camden Bucey introduced Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah to the women’s bible study at Bethel OPC in Wheaton, Illinois. In that lesson, he detailed the basic covenantal structure of the Bible

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What the Lord Expects Us to Know

The Book of Malachi speaks to the people of God after their return from exile in Babylon. They and their leaders are being called to account for offering their worst

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Offering Our Worst to the Lord

In this episode of Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss the first chapter of Malachi and the concern he has for the cold worship offered by his people and

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