
Reformed Forum is an organization committed to providing Reformed Christian theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings.

Our mission is to support the Church in her charge of presenting every person mature in Christ (Col. 1:28).

Reformed Forum began in January 2008 as a means of providing free access to informed theological conversation. Our cornerstone resource is our audio program, Christ the Center, which features weekly discussions on a host of biblical and theological subjects. We also produce video curriculum, host educational events, publish books, and engage in other activities that facilitate a lifetime education for God’s people.

We are committed to the principles of the Reformation and a redemptive-historical approach to Scripture. We believe these faithfully represent the teachings of the Bible, which is our only standard for faith and practice.

While we offer theological resources, theology must be more than an intellectual exercise. God’s Word and its good and necessary consequences have everything to do with our day to day lives. Proper theology is intensely practical. And given the theological climate of our age, we believe Reformed theology is perhaps even more significant today than it was in the sixteenth century when the Reformation began.

Reformed Forum is incorporated as a non-profit organization in Pennsylvania and recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN: 27-2306841) and can therefore accept tax-deductible donations.

Doctrinal Standards

Members of our Board of Directors must be members in good standing of churches within the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) or the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC). These churches subscribe either to the Three Forms of Unity (Canons of Dort, Belgic Confession, and Heidelberg Catechism) or the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. A majority of our Board of Directors must also be ordained officers.