Rodney Trotter may have his facts a little out of place on this post. This elaborate getup was part of a Vacation Bible School lesson involving the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. Each lesson for the week was taught by an “eyewitness” who would relay a bible story and teach the children its meaning and importance. When you’re struggling to find an eyewitness for Christ’s temptation, you’re either left with dressing up like Jesus – which from this author’s conviction is a violation of the 2nd and possibly 3rd commandment – or dressing up like Satan. In the case of the latter, you’ll likely scare all the children and/or convince them that everything you’re telling them is a lie.
This particular VBS curriculum decided to introduce a gecko that witnessed the account in the desert thereby skating between two terrible alternatives. The gecko option, however does take a toll on the ego of the church’s intern.