Help Spread Reformed Theology

I believe strongly in making theological discussion and content freely available, and I want as many people as possible to learn about the great truths of the Christian faith.

I’m writing today because I need your help to continue providing free podcasts, videos and web content through Reformed Forum.

Would you please donate today? Your gift is tax deductible and helps Reformed Forum to produce high quality audio and video conversations.

Since moving back to Illinois in August, I have been reminded of the reason I recorded the first “Christ the Center” episode five years ago. Reformed Forum began as a way for people to join in theological conversations, even though they might not have the opportunity where they currently live.

When I packed up the Reformed Forum studio this summer and moved away from Westminster Theological Seminary, I left behind the opportunity to have regular rigorous conversations with professors and fellow students. However, Reformed Forum has allowed me to continue these conversations—and share them with you—from a distance.

You can help Reformed Forum continue to share rich theological conversations by donating online before the end of the year.

Because we operate solely with volunteer efforts, your donation goes directly toward producing rich, theological content. A gift of any amount will make a difference.

I hope that you have been blessed by Reformed Forum’s efforts this year, and I look forward to sharing even more great conversations with you in 2013.

Camden Bucey

Camden Bucey

President, Reformed Forum

P.S. Your online donation must be submitted before midnight on Monday, December 31st to qualify for your personal tax purposes. Checks must be postmarked on or before December 31, 2012.

Reformed Forum is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to Reformed Forum are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.


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