The Book of Job

James J. Cassidy

Jim Cassidy is the pastor of South Austin Presbyterian Church. He graduated in 2014 from Westminster Theological Seminary with the Ph.D in systematic theology writing on the theology of Karl Barth. He is the author of God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ (Lexham Press).
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This course seeks to cover a significant amount of biblical material in a short period of time. It will be an overview of the book of Job and its theology. Special attention will be given to situating the book’s theology in its redemptive-historical and canonical context. Therefore, the course will pursue a biblical-theological method of interpretation that will necessarily be eschatological and Christological. There will be non-trivial pastoral application, particularly to the questions of care for the suffering and how to glorify God in the midst of “the fiery trial.” Last of all, we will give brief attention to the question of theodicy and how Job speaks to key apologetic insights by Cornelius Van Til.

Total course duration: 3 hours, 6 minutes.


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Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Log In to Enroll Course Materials Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this course combines exegetical, biblical, and systematic theology to set