Our mission is to support the Church in her charge of presenting every person mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28).
Podcast Episodes
Summary of Christian Doctrine: The Word of God and the Sacraments in General
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We begin a discussion of chapter XXV, “The Word
Church Membership
In Church Membership, Jonathan Landry Cruse emphasizes the biblical and theological necessity of formal church membership. Cruse argues that church membership is not merely a
Summary of Christian Doctrine: The Government and Power of the Church, Part 3
This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. We continue our discussion of chapter XXIV, “The Government
Posts and Essays
The Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy and the Spirit of Schleiermacher
It is a great strength of our Presbyterian and Reformed ethos that we are historically conscious. We enjoy history and pride ourselves on being self-consciously rooted in the past. Confessional and conservative
The Two Popes, Rahner, and Divine Immutability
I recently watched The Two Popes, a film written by Anthony McCarten and directed by Fernando Meirelles available on Netflix. The movie recounts the relationship between Joseph Ratzinger and Jorge
Recommended Books of 2019
At the end of the year, I find it rewarding to reflect upon the books I read that year. Whether they be old favorites or new titles, the record of
Reformed Academy
Reformed & Confessional
We are committed to the principles of the Protestant Reformation and the truths of its historic creeds and confessions such as the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity as these documents summarize the system of doctrine contained in Holy Scripture.
God has revealed his unfolding plan of redemption through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ in history. In everything we do, we seek to advance the basic categories of redemption accomplished and applied.
Regardless of the particular theological or practical subject, we aim to address foundational matters—to access the architectonic principles so that you not only learn the “right answers” but also how to think through the issues at their deepest levels.
For Lifetime Learners
We develop resources that are intended for people who desire to grow in their Christian faith throughout an entire lifetime. We believe that Christians never graduate from the basics of the gospel, though they also must strive toward maturity in Christ.