The sixth annual Theology Conference will be held October 11–13, 2019 at Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois. Our conference theme is taken from Romans 7:14: “The Law Is Spiritual.” We will explore the biblical understanding of “law” and “Spirit” as redemptive-historical ages, focusing on key passages such as 2 Corinthians 3, Galatians 3–4, and Romans 7. In our time together, we will come to see the richness of God’s glorious plan revealed progressively to his people from creation to consummation.

October 11, 2019
VIP Dinner & Lecture (additional ticket required) 5:30–9:30 pm
Ascending the Mountain of the Lord: The Role of the Tabernacle in the Sinai Covenant
Glen Clary
Market House on the Square
655 Forest Ave.
Lake Forest, Illinois
Please note: Ticket holders for the VIP Dinner should meet the group at the restaurant. Ample parking is available on site. If you need a shuttle ride from the hotel to the restaurant, please contact mail@reformedforum.org in advance. Registration at the church does not open until Saturday morning at 8:00 am.
October 12, 2019
- Registration 8:00–9:00 am
- Welcome and Introduction 9:00–9:30 am
He Condemned Sin in the Flesh: The Law and Union with Christ in Romans 7:14; 8:3; and Galatians 2:20
Camden Bucey
- Plenary Address 9:30–10:45 am
The Holy Spirit and Heaven Before the Law: The Absolute Beginning of Creation in Genesis 1:1
Lane Tipton
- Plenary Address 11:15 am–12:30 pm
Now No Condemnation: The Law of the Spirit of Life versus the Law of Sin and Death
Jeff Waddington
- Lunch 12:30–1:30 pm (provided)
- Q&A 1:30–2:30 pm
Reformed Forum faculty - Plenary Address 2:45–4:00 pm
The Holy Spirit and Heaven After the Law: Paul’s Christological Interpretation of the Absolute Beginning in I Cor. 15:47
Lane Tipton
- Summary and Conclusion 4:00–4:30 pm
Camden Bucey
New for 2019 →
Post-Conference Gathering (additional ticket required) 5:00–9:00 pm
The Vine
101 Center St.
Grayslake, IL 60030
New for this year, we have created an opportunity for additional fellowship after the conclusion of the conference. A private room has been reserved at The Vine in Grayslake for Saturday evening. Appetizers will be provided, and a cash bar will be available. Guests may also purchase dinner from the restaurant’s menu. The cost is $20 per person. Please reserve your spot by October 4th.
October 13, 2019
- Morning Worship Service 9:30–10:30 am
- Sunday School 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Early bird registration is now open.
Location & Accommodations
Hope Presbyterian Church (OPC)
18215 Belvidere Rd. (Rt. 120)
Grayslake, IL 60030
Group rate hotel rooms will be available at Comfort Suites (Grayslake). Reservations can be made online with group code AD60K8, or by calling the hotel directly at (847) 223–5050. The reservation cut-off date is Thursday, September 20th.