Zephaniah’s Protology in Eschatology: A Major Theme in a Minor Prophet
Join us for a live recording of the first Bible study class to be featured in Reformed Academy. Dr. Mark Winder will open up the biblical-theological riches of Zephaniah’s prophecy in ten, 30-minute lessons covering the entire book. This class is designed to be accessible for Christians of all educational levels and backgrounds who simply want to grow in their knowledge of Christ as he is revealed in the Old Testament. Space is limited to just 12 students.
Friday, August 12, 2022
- 5:30–6:00 pm — Registration
- 6:00–6:30 pm — Lesson 1: Prolegomena: Establishing Theological and Hermeneutical Method in Approaching Zephaniah
- 6:30–7:00 pm — Lesson 2: The Context of the Prophet: Kings in Conflict (1:1)
- 7:15–7:30 pm — Break
- 7:30–8:00 pm — Lesson 3: The Guarantee of Judgment: A De-Creation Event (1:2–6)
- 8:00–8:30 pm — Lesson 4: The Great Day of Judgment: The Coming of God (1:7–18)
- 8:30–9:00 pm — Questions and Answers
Saturday, August 13, 2022
- 7:30–8:00 am — Arrival, light refreshments
- 8:00–8:30 am — Lesson 5: Gathering for Judgment: Abasement, Anger, and Action (2:1–3)
- 8:30–9:00 am — Lesson 6: Warnings to the Gentile Nations: Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Cush, and Assyria (2:4–15)
- 9:15–9:30 pm — Break
- 9:30–10:00 am — Lesson 7: Warnings to the Jewish Nation: Itemization and Indictment (3:1–8)
- 10:00–10:30 am — Lesson 8: Joy and Conquest: True Security (3:9–13)
- 10:45–11:00 am — Break
- 11:00–11:30 am — Lesson 9: The Triumph of the Savior: from Sorrow to Singing (3:14–17)
- 11:30 am–12:00 pm — Lesson 10: The Lord is King: from Sorrow to Salvation (3:18–20)
- 12:00–12:30 pm — Concluding Comments, Questions and Answers
Reformed Forum
1585 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Suite 112
Libertyville, IL 60048
Please park in the rear (west) parking lot and enter via the door marked Suite 112.
Course Description
This course will explore the book of Zephaniah in its context, and in doing so examine how the prophet utilizes protological themes to construct an eschatological picture pointing to the great Day of the Lord. We will begin with an introduction to covenant themes and establish the veracity of the theological assumptions and hermeneutical method employed in approaching Zephaniah.
We will then explore the intriguing context in which Zephaniah ministers, particularly the dissolution of the Assyrian empire, and the event and implications of the discovery of the Deuteronomic code during King Josiah’s reforms.
The majority of the course will examine Zephaniah’s prophecy, and explore the significant eschatological teaching formed within the framework of protological themes. We will find that at each turn where judgment is pronounce upon the evildoer, that same judgment holds forth overtones of hope for the faithful remnant—it is the hope of the coming Messiah.
About the Teacher
Dr. Mark A. Winder is pastor of Wolf River Presbyterian Church in Collierville, Tennessee and host of Reformed Forum’s Proclaiming Christ podcast. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, MS), and holds a Doctor of Ministry from Union University in Jackson, TN, his dissertation focusing on the hermeneutical and homiletical method of Geerhardus Vos applied to modern pulpit ministry.
He and his wife Michele have been married 33 years and have three adult children. He is a member of RSVP, the Germantown, Tennessee Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. His hobbies include anything to do with dirt and playing ice hockey.