Building a Theological Library, Part 2

Part two of a panel discussion on the importance of books and building a theological library.

  1. General mindset
    1. Books are more important than your television. Read Amusing Ourselves to Death (no, there’s not a video version on youtube).
    2. When you hear of a great book that you would like to read, put it on a wishlist. The next time you have a handful of books on your list and can spare the money, buy them.
  2. Building a general library
    1. You don’t want to waste your money
    2. Bigger isn’t necessarily better
  3. Why build a library?
    1. This might be the only theological library you have access to.
    2. As a pastor, your congregation will probably be asking you to borrow books.
    3. You’ll have something to pass on to your children.
  4. Types of books to get
    1. Average churchgoer
    2. Elder/deacon/well-informed church member
    3. Pastor
      1. Commentaries – check out Longman and Carson’s commentary surveys
      2. Build with the classics, not the trendy, e.g. Get James Bannerman’s The Church of Christ before you get Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Church (if you must get it all)
    4. Scholar (you should call in and tell us)
  5. Where to buy
    1. Abebooks
    3. (use our links, help pay our web hosting fees)
    5. Credo Books
    6. eBay /

Panel Members

  • Jim Cassidy
  • Jeff Waddington
  • Camden Bucey


Participants: , ,

Christ the Center focuses on Reformed Christian theology. In each episode a group of informed panelists discusses important issues in order to encourage critical thinking and a better understanding of Reformed doctrine with a view toward godly living. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.

