The Text of Kuyper’s Stone Lectures on Calvinism

At the invitation of B. B. Warfield (and the suggestion of Geerhardus Vos), Abraham Kuyper delivered the Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898. In these lectures, he presented his vision for an international Calvinism. And while many people may be familiar with Kuyper’s famous work, few may know the complicated history of these lectures being written, translated into English, delivered in Princeton, and eventually published.

In this episode, Dr. George Harinck shares with us his thorough research as he speaks about the history of the text of Kuyper’s lectures. Dr. Harinck is the author of numerous books and articles, including the focus of this conversation, “Lost in Translation: The First Text of the Stone Lectures” in Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First-Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures edited by Jessica R. Joustra and Robert J. Joustra and published by IVP Academic.

Dr. Harinck is the Director of The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute and Professor of History at the Free University in Amsterdam.



  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 04:28 Being Introduced to Kuyper and His Stone Lectures
  • 07:17 Kuyper’s Legacy in the Netherlands
  • 09:19 The Stone Lectures
  • 14:42 Kuyper and Geerhardus Vos
  • 17:48 Kuyper and the English Language
  • 29:51 The Modern Text of the Stone Lectures
  • 39:44 Calvinism for a Secular Age
  • 47:26 Conclusion

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