Vos Group #93 — Truth in the Gospel of John

In this episode, we consider the profound theological insights of Geerhardus Vos as found in pp. 355–360 of his Biblical Theology. Camden Bucey and Lane Tipton explore the Johannine concept of truth, which transcends human-centered definitions like coherence or correspondence theories. Instead, John presents truth as an intrinsic, divine attribute embodied in the Logos, Jesus Christ, and rooted in heavenly realities.

The discussion highlights how Jesus is both the fulfillment and culmination of the Old Testament, uniting Christocentrism and Christotelism to show that all Scripture points to him. From heavenly realities and earthly shadows to worship in Spirit and truth, the episode unpacks the eschatological depth of John’s Gospel and the organic unity of God’s redemptive revelation.

We also reflect on Jesus’ own hermeneutic, his attitude toward Scripture as the “most orthodox of the orthodox,” and how his approach undergirds the Reformation’s emphasis on the open access of Scripture to all people. This rich conversation will deepen your understanding of biblical theology, worship, and the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.

Join us as we uncover how Christ is not only the center but also the goal of all Scripture, illuminating God’s unified message of redemption across the ages.

Watch on YouTube and Vimeo.


  • 00:07 Introduction
  • 05:27 Upcoming Oklahoma City Seminar
  • 10:12 True and Truth in the Gospel of John
  • 19:57 Heavenly Realities and Earthly Shadows
  • 31:47 Jesus’ Attitude toward the Old Testament
  • 35:16 Christo-Centrism and Christotelism
  • 47:28 The Fulfillment of the Scriptures
  • 55:26 Conclusion

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Christ the Center focuses on Reformed Christian theology. In each episode a group of informed panelists discusses important issues in order to encourage critical thinking and a better understanding of Reformed doctrine with a view toward godly living. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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