The Great Commission stands as both a mandate and a promise—Christ commands his church to make disciples of all nations while promising his presence and power until the end of the age. But what does this mean for the church today?
Ordinary Means, Extraordinary Ends examines Christ’s commission through the lens of biblical and redemptive history. Moving systematically through each element of Christ’s charge, these chapters demonstrate how the Great Commission emerges from and advances God’s eternal purpose to gather a people for himself through Christ.
While the task may seem daunting, Christ has equipped his church with everything needed for this global mission. We need not resort to novel methods or pragmatic strategies. The Lord has provided spiritual means perfectly suited for this work: the ministry of Word and sacrament, empowered by his Spirit.
Drawing from Scripture and the Reformed tradition, this volume offers pastors, scholars, and thoughtful Christians a fresh perspective on the church’s mission— one that situates Christ’s command within the full scope of God’s unfolding plan of redemption, from creation to consummation.