Das Machen des Van Til
Or roughly, “The Making of Van Til.” Camden Bucey builds a case that Machen is the principal historical reason for Cornelius Van Til becoming the influential reformed apologist he became.
Or roughly, “The Making of Van Til.” Camden Bucey builds a case that Machen is the principal historical reason for Cornelius Van Til becoming the influential reformed apologist he became.
Darryl G. Hart continues his teaching series on J. Gresham Machen with a look at Machen’s views about politics and the relation between the church and state. This lesson was
In this lesson, Dr. Hart touches upon Harry Emerson Fosdick, the ordination of liberals, the five fundamentals and the Auburn Affirmation. Participants: Darryl G. Hart
In 1923, J. Gresham Machen published Christianity and Liberalism. In the book Machen argued that liberalism was not another form of Christianity, but indeed was a different religion. Darryl G.
Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen and the Plan of Organic Union. This is part four of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in Glenside, PA. post photo from
Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen’s experience through World War I. This is part three of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in Glenside, PA. Participants: Darryl G.
Darryl G. Hart continues his course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Hart explore several key aspects to Machen’s family and early life. Participants:
Darryl G. Hart begins a new course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Participants: Darryl G. Hart
Darryl G. Hart and Camden Bucey converse about family and Sabbath through the writings of Wendell Berry. Participants: Camden Bucey, Darryl G. Hart
Darryl G. Hart shares a few thoughts on American Presbyterianism including the modernist-fundamentalist debates of the early 20th century and the historical developments of women in office. Participants: Camden Bucey,
Or roughly, “The Making of Van Til.” Camden Bucey builds a case that Machen is the principal historical reason for Cornelius Van Til becoming the influential reformed apologist he became.
Darryl G. Hart continues his teaching series on J. Gresham Machen with a look at Machen’s views about politics and the relation between the church and state. This lesson was
In this lesson, Dr. Hart touches upon Harry Emerson Fosdick, the ordination of liberals, the five fundamentals and the Auburn Affirmation. Participants: Darryl G. Hart
In 1923, J. Gresham Machen published Christianity and Liberalism. In the book Machen argued that liberalism was not another form of Christianity, but indeed was a different religion. Darryl G.
Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen and the Plan of Organic Union. This is part four of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in Glenside, PA. post photo from
Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen’s experience through World War I. This is part three of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in Glenside, PA. Participants: Darryl G.
Darryl G. Hart continues his course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Hart explore several key aspects to Machen’s family and early life. Participants:
Darryl G. Hart begins a new course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Participants: Darryl G. Hart
Darryl G. Hart and Camden Bucey converse about family and Sabbath through the writings of Wendell Berry. Participants: Camden Bucey, Darryl G. Hart
Darryl G. Hart shares a few thoughts on American Presbyterianism including the modernist-fundamentalist debates of the early 20th century and the historical developments of women in office. Participants: Camden Bucey,
Jacob expects a conflict with Esau but instead ends up wrestling with an unknown assailant, who can clearly best him at any moment. But when that moment comes, Jacob will
Join us in this episode of Christ the Center, where host Camden Bucey engages in a free-flowing yet thoughtful discussion with Dr. Owen Anderson, philosopher and professor of religious studies
Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up
Join us for a compelling conversation with Dr. Matthew S. Harmon, Professor of New Testament studies at Grace College and Theological Seminary. Camden Bucey engages Dr. Harmon in an exploration
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