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Historia Ecclesiastica

Das Machen des Van Til

Or roughly, “The Making of Van Til.” Camden Bucey builds a case that Machen is the principal historical reason for Cornelius Van Til becoming the

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The Fight Against Tyranny

Darryl G. Hart continues his teaching series on J. Gresham Machen with a look at Machen’s views about politics and the relation between the church

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The Fight Against False Optimism

In this lesson, Dr. Hart touches upon Harry Emerson Fosdick, the ordination of liberals, the five fundamentals and the Auburn Affirmation. Participants: Darryl G. Hart

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Ecumenism and Intolerance

Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen and the Plan of Organic Union. This is part four of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in

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What Prepared Machen to Fight?

Darryl G. Hart continues his course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Hart explore several key aspects to Machen’s

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Family and Sabbath

Darryl G. Hart and Camden Bucey converse about family and Sabbath through the writings of Wendell Berry. Participants: Camden Bucey, Darryl G. Hart

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Thoughts on American Presbyterianism

Darryl G. Hart shares a few thoughts on American Presbyterianism including the modernist-fundamentalist debates of the early 20th century and the historical developments of women

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Das Machen des Van Til

Or roughly, “The Making of Van Til.” Camden Bucey builds a case that Machen is the principal historical reason for Cornelius Van Til becoming the

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The Fight Against Tyranny

Darryl G. Hart continues his teaching series on J. Gresham Machen with a look at Machen’s views about politics and the relation between the church

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The Fight Against False Optimism

In this lesson, Dr. Hart touches upon Harry Emerson Fosdick, the ordination of liberals, the five fundamentals and the Auburn Affirmation. Participants: Darryl G. Hart

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Ecumenism and Intolerance

Darryl G. Hart speaks about Machen and the Plan of Organic Union. This is part four of a series on Machen taught at Calvary OPC in

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What Prepared Machen to Fight?

Darryl G. Hart continues his course on J. Gresham Machen at Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Glenside, PA. Hart explore several key aspects to Machen’s

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Family and Sabbath

Darryl G. Hart and Camden Bucey converse about family and Sabbath through the writings of Wendell Berry. Participants: Camden Bucey, Darryl G. Hart

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Thoughts on American Presbyterianism

Darryl G. Hart shares a few thoughts on American Presbyterianism including the modernist-fundamentalist debates of the early 20th century and the historical developments of women

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The Upside-Down Kingdom

We welcome Chris Castaldo to the program to explore the Beatitudes. In his book, The Upside-Down Kingdom, Castaldo offers a fresh perspective on these familiar

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