Calvinistic Trinitarianism: A Reformed Federalist Alternative to Thomistic Sacerdotalism

Lane Tipton

Dr. Lane G. Tipton is pastor of Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Easton, Pennsylvania and Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Forum.
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Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this course offers a comprehensive Reformed alternative to the system of Thomism—Calvinistic Trinitarian federalism. By expounding the theological doctrines of autotheos, perichoresis, encoronation, endoxation, image of God, covenantal condescension, and creaturely beatitude, this course deepens students’ understanding of Trinitarian federalism. This course also explores the intricacies of the irreducibly triune essence of God, the immutable and eternal movements of procession and perichoresis within the Godhead, and the bearing of these doctrines on God’s relation to image-bearing creatures in covenantal condescension. Delving into the heart of Reformed Trinitarian theology, students gain an appreciation for and understanding of the self-existence of each Trinitarian person through Calvin’s distinctive contributions that were developed further by Geerhardus Vos. The system of Trinitarian federalism will supply both a constructive vision of Reformed theology and the materials to thoroughly critique Aquinas’s Trinitarian sacerdotalism.

The Trinitarian Theology of Thomas Aquinas is a recommended prerequisite to this course.

Total course duration: 5 hours, 10 minutes.

Reformed Forum is an approved provider of Continuing Education Units through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). As of 10/10/2024, this course is approved by ACSI for 5.17 Educational CEUs. Take this course for ACSI CEU credit.


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