[Review] Melissa Kruger, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood

During the weeks and months after our first son was born, I struggled to discern my new identity as a mother. I was no longer defined by my previous role at an inner city homeless shelter, and my new job as a continuous diaper changer seemed somewhat less meaningful and exciting.

We now have two young sons, and I am learning that my role as mother is of utmost importance. Along with my husband, I have been entrusted with the job of training my children to love and obey God. This is not an easy task, and I am thankful for more experienced mothers who are willing to guide and encourage me.

walking_with_god_in_the_season_of_motherhood_150x220In Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood (WaterBrook Multnomah), Melissa Kruger walks alongside moms, gently teaching us how to glorify and enjoy God in our calling as mothers. Melissa is a mom of three school age children, a teacher of women at Uptown Church (PCA) in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the wife of Mike Kruger, president of RTS-Charlotte. You may know her from her book The Envy of Eve. She has also participated in several episodes of Christ the Center.

Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood is structured as an 11-week devotional Bible study that is designed to help us search the scriptures and apply God’s word to our lives. The chapters cover life purpose, time in God’s Word, prayer, ordering our homes, the fruits of the spirit, and our need for grace.

Each week focuses on a topic and includes four days of Bible study and reflection. The fifth day is a devotional reading. All referenced Bible passages are included in the book, which makes it ideal for marking the passages and making notes. However, women who are used to the ESV will probably be disappointed that most passages are in the NIV translation.

The book has the feel of a Titus 2 mentoring relationship, where an experienced wife and mother uses Scripture and personal experience to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children. This study can certainly be completed by an individual, but it would surely be a blessing to study alongside other moms, both new and experienced. To such end, Melissa includes a group study guide at the end of the book.

Motherhood can seem like the most difficult of callings, and Melissa’s honest portrayal of her own shortcomings invites women to consider their need for daily grace.

More than anything else in my life, motherhood has exposed my need for grace. . . . In the midst of my weaknesses, I need the soul-strengthening refreshment that can come only from time spent with Jesus. (pp. 1–2)

One of the strongest impressions this study has left on me is the importance of starting my day with time spent praying and reading scripture. Not only does this greatly impact my own heart, but it overflows and blesses my husband and children.

It’s easy to read blogs and think that we can make our homes more peaceful if we implement an organized routine and keep little ones busy with creative activities. But the truth is that only God’s grace will bring lasting joy and peace into our lives.

While moms of all ages will benefit from this study, it is a must-read for mothers of young children who are weary from the daily repetition of laundry and dishes. When I spend time in this study, I feel like a burden is being lifted. Parenting in my own strength is a heavy load to bear. Melissa points me to Jesus and shows that spending time in the Word and prayer will refresh my soul and equip me for being a wife and mom who glorifies and enjoys God.


On Key

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