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God’s Maximal Truth

May the day come, and come soon, when American fundamentalists will stop being content with the minimum of God’s truth and start proclaiming the maximum.

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Bavinck on the Image of God

In our treatment of the doctrine of the image of God, then, we must highlight, in accordance with Scripture and the Reformed confession, the idea

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Muller on Natural Theology

The development, in rationalist systems of the eighteenth century, of a truly foundational natural theology represents a basic alteration of perspective and a loss, not

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A Theological Tree of Life

. . . all eschatological interpretation of history, when united to a strong religious mentality cannot but produce the finest practical theological fruitage. To take

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God’s Maximal Truth

May the day come, and come soon, when American fundamentalists will stop being content with the minimum of God’s truth and start proclaiming the maximum.

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Bavinck on the Image of God

In our treatment of the doctrine of the image of God, then, we must highlight, in accordance with Scripture and the Reformed confession, the idea

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Muller on Natural Theology

The development, in rationalist systems of the eighteenth century, of a truly foundational natural theology represents a basic alteration of perspective and a loss, not

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A Theological Tree of Life

. . . all eschatological interpretation of history, when united to a strong religious mentality cannot but produce the finest practical theological fruitage. To take

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