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In 2021, we launched Van Til’s Trinitarian Theology, which was the second free on-demand course in a full curriculum we are developing as part of our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics. We are currently developing the third course in this series on Van Til’s Doctrine of Revelation. Download the course prospectus, which includes a full course description, reading list, and reading schedule. 

Online Cohorts (Study Groups)

One major component of this fellowship program is an online study group, known in education as a “cohort.” These cohorts use the lectures and course materials, which are already freely available. However, the cohort offers the opportunity to discuss these lectures and readings with the instructor and a small group of like-minded students while pursuing original research in a mentored environment.


  • Provide an opportunity for students to learn apologetics in the tradition of Cornelius Van Til.
  • Develop a community of pastors, scholars, and church members committed both to the Reformed creeds and confessions and a redemptive-historical approach to the Scriptures.
  • Promote original research in the field of Reformed apologetics in service of the broader Church.


  • Complete the assigned readings and view the lectures prior to each session.
  • Contribute to course discussion by asking and answering questions and promoting a collaborative learning environment.
  • Submit a work of original research (a scholarly article or essay) in the field of Reformed apologetics. This project may be tailored to the student’s previous education and abilities.
  • September 8, 2020
  • September 15
  • September 22
  • September 29
  • October 13
  • October 20
  • October 27
  • November 3 (U.S. Daylight Savings Time ends November 1)

One-on-One Mentoring

In addition to group meetings, each student may schedule one private online meeting with Dr. Tipton to discuss matters pertaining to the course as well as ideas for original research in the field.


At the conclusion of the series of online discussions, students are expected to complete and submit a work of original research in the field of Reformed apologetics. This article or essay will be read and critically assessed by the instructor in addition to other Reformed Forum faculty members. If the work demonstrates significant value for a wider readership, faculty members may suggest avenues for further development and potential publication.