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August 2012

Nature/Grace Dualism

Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, addresses the Roman Catholic teaching of nature/grace dualism and a variety of its uses. Nature/grace dualism

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East of Eden (Genesis 3:24)

The podcast East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards inaugurates the series with a close reading of the sermon “East of Eden” which Edwards preached in

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Unity Flows from Truth

It is quite clear from God’s Word that the church is called to exhibit unity. Such unity is encouraged (nay, prayed for and commanded) throughout the New Testament. Jesus prayed

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Preaching and Sermon Preparation

We take a break from our regular format to enjoy a relaxed open forum. Nonetheless, the panel quickly focuses on the subject of preaching and sermon preparation. We ask questions

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The Theology of John Bunyan’s Holy War

The Rev. Dr. Robert McKelvey unfolds the theology of one of John Bunyan’s classic allegories, The Holy War. Rev. McKelvey is Pastor of Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Windber, PA and has

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Nature and Scripture

In 1946, the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary published a symposium on the doctrine of Scipture titled The Infallible Word. Cornelius Van Til’s contribution, an essay titled “Nature and Scripture,” is

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Nature/Grace Dualism

Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, addresses the Roman Catholic teaching of nature/grace dualism and a variety of its uses. Nature/grace dualism

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East of Eden (Genesis 3:24)

The podcast East of Eden: The Biblical and Systematic Theology of Jonathan Edwards inaugurates the series with a close reading of the sermon “East of Eden” which Edwards preached in

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Unity Flows from Truth

It is quite clear from God’s Word that the church is called to exhibit unity. Such unity is encouraged (nay, prayed for and commanded) throughout the New Testament. Jesus prayed

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Preaching and Sermon Preparation

We take a break from our regular format to enjoy a relaxed open forum. Nonetheless, the panel quickly focuses on the subject of preaching and sermon preparation. We ask questions

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The Theology of John Bunyan’s Holy War

The Rev. Dr. Robert McKelvey unfolds the theology of one of John Bunyan’s classic allegories, The Holy War. Rev. McKelvey is Pastor of Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Windber, PA and has

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Nature and Scripture

In 1946, the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary published a symposium on the doctrine of Scipture titled The Infallible Word. Cornelius Van Til’s contribution, an essay titled “Nature and Scripture,” is

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