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March 2014

The Coming of the Kingdom

Publisher’s Description A thorough study of the nature of the kingdom, its fulfillment in the world, and its consummation with the second advent. Includes a comprehensive analysis of the parables

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Paul: An Outline of His Theology

Publisher’s Description Now back in print in a beautiful new paperback edition, this study by one of Europe’s foremost New Testament scholars provides a comprehensive exposition of the teaching of

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When the Time had Fully Come

When the Time had Fully Come contains a number of crucial essays by Ridderbos on the subject of New Testament Theology including the following: The Kingdom of God According to the

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The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary

Publisher’s Description This excellent commentary by Herman Ridderbos engages seriously the host of twentieth-century interpretations of John while also developing its own integral understanding of John in which the Gospel

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The Coming of the Kingdom

Publisher’s Description A thorough study of the nature of the kingdom, its fulfillment in the world, and its consummation with the second advent. Includes a comprehensive analysis of the parables

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Paul: An Outline of His Theology

Publisher’s Description Now back in print in a beautiful new paperback edition, this study by one of Europe’s foremost New Testament scholars provides a comprehensive exposition of the teaching of

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When the Time had Fully Come

When the Time had Fully Come contains a number of crucial essays by Ridderbos on the subject of New Testament Theology including the following: The Kingdom of God According to the

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The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary

Publisher’s Description This excellent commentary by Herman Ridderbos engages seriously the host of twentieth-century interpretations of John while also developing its own integral understanding of John in which the Gospel

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