Dealing with the Sin of the Double Life, Part 2
While a senior in high school, I was pressed into playing the part of a court jester in our annual Canterbury festival. I was prepared with the perfect objection—I was
While a senior in high school, I was pressed into playing the part of a court jester in our annual Canterbury festival. I was prepared with the perfect objection—I was
Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers his second plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Dr. James J. Cassidy delivers his breakout session at the 2015 Reformed Forum Theology Conference. Participants: Jim Cassidy
Today we speak with D. G. Hart, Glen Clary, and John Terpstra about the relationship between revivalism and Reformed piety. Looking at the history of revival and its influence on
Participants: Camden Bucey
Lane Tipton delivers the first of his two plenary addresses at our 2015 Theology Conference at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Lane G. Tipton
Dr. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. delivers the first plenary address at the 2015 Theology Conference held at Hope OPC in Grayslake, Illinois. Participants: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Daniel Strange speaks about his book Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock: A Theology of Religions (Zondervan). We talk about how theology, redemptive-history, and apologetics all converge to inform
We continue our #VosGroup series by opening pages 105–108 of Vos’ book Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments to learn about the form of revelation during the Mosaic period. Vos details the significance
Simple images have a way of simplifying stories. Movies have perfected this technique. Think of oranges rolling randomly about in the back of the vehicle. They are just fruit in
In this episode we discuss Genesis 9:1–7 and how various creation mandates are given again to Noah and his family as they emerge from the ark. We also consider the
In the 1908 Stone Lectures delivered at Princeton Seminary, Bavinck develops a sustained reflection on the function and necessity of divine revelation. The lectures were compiled as the Philosophy of
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Geerhardus Vos mounted a heavenly vantage point from which he surveyed the world and all its happenings. From the high tower of God’s Word, he saw with eagle-eye clarity the
In 1936, at the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America—later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)—official greetings were received from the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
In the first issue of The Presbyterian Guardian, the editors shared their desire and justification for the new paper. We hope that this paper will make its way on merit among
On July 11, 2024, we recorded a webinar with Harrison Perkins, author of Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction (Lexham Academic). This event explored the multifaceted nature of covenant theology,
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