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Geerhardus Vos’s Reformed Dogmatics (Vols 1 & 2) Now Available from Logos

I was pleased to receive an email from Logos notifying me that Vos’s Reformed Dogmatics was available in my library. I had pre-ordered the new translation several months ago, and now I get to reap the fruit of an important effort by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Richard de Witt, and their team to translate all five volumes into English. The preface to the new edition hints at the new opportunities for Reformed theologians:

English readers will now be able to explore the relationship between the early Vos of the Reformed Dogmatics and his subsequent work in biblical theology, begun in the fall of 1893 when he moved from Grand Rapids to Princeton Seminary as the first occupant of its newly created chair of biblical theology. Whatever differences that comparison may bring to light, it is safe to anticipate that the end result will substantiate deep, pervasive and cordial continuity between his work in systematic theology (dogmatics) and biblical theology.

The availability of these works is especially timely for listeners to Christ the Center. As we work through Vos’s Biblical Theology, we may simultaneously learn of his theological foundations. Head over to Logos and order a copy now.

Update: Volumes 1 & 2 are currently available.


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