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Ben Stahl

Reformation Heroes

Reformation Heroes: Written by Diana Kleyn with Joel R. Beeke Today we are blessed to live in a country where we have little fear of physical or verbal persecution for

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Crucifixes, Images, and Paintings

The following is an excerpt from John Owen’s The Glory of Christ. John Owen sheds great light on the theological and practical implications of the second commandment in the midst

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Celebrating the Sabbath

No Christian approves of worshiping idols or disapproves of honoring parents. No brother or sister will accuse you of being legalistic if you’re against stealing or are in favor of

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Reformation Heroes

Reformation Heroes: Written by Diana Kleyn with Joel R. Beeke Today we are blessed to live in a country where we have little fear of physical or verbal persecution for

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Crucifixes, Images, and Paintings

The following is an excerpt from John Owen’s The Glory of Christ. John Owen sheds great light on the theological and practical implications of the second commandment in the midst

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Celebrating the Sabbath

No Christian approves of worshiping idols or disapproves of honoring parents. No brother or sister will accuse you of being legalistic if you’re against stealing or are in favor of

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