Eden, Canaan, and the Heavenly Temple Dwelling of God
Eden and Canaan are earthly projections that both reveal yet veil the glory of the heavenly dwelling place of God. Had Adam passed probation, he would have been translated into
Eden and Canaan are earthly projections that both reveal yet veil the glory of the heavenly dwelling place of God. Had Adam passed probation, he would have been translated into
After deliverance from Egypt, God’s people head back to the promised land. Nevertheless, they continue to stand in need of deliverance, for their warfare has not ended. Participants: Adam York,
Dr. Vern Poythress speaks with us about his book, Theophany: A Biblical Theology of God’s Appearing, published by Crossway. Each time God appears to his people throughout the Bible—in the
In Episode 38 of Proclaiming Christ, our newest panelist, Jim Cassidy, provides our listeners with a model of biblical interpretation through an introduction to the book of Hosea. Participants: Jim
In Episode 37 of Proclaiming Christ, we see that right on the heals of God making a covenant with him, Abram is tested with a famine that sends him to
Publisher’s Description This excellent commentary by Herman Ridderbos engages seriously the host of twentieth-century interpretations of John while also developing its own integral understanding of John in which the Gospel
Publisher’s Description The orthodox position on “justification,” a watershed between the Roman and Reformed churches, has recently been much debated in theological circles as new perspectives are advanced to break
Related Media Listen to a 37-part class by Sinclair Ferguson entitled Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Requires a free account at Westminster Theological Seminary Publisher’s Description The Holy Spirit, once forgotten,
Publisher’s Description Volume 1 contains the most important of John Murray’s shorter writings and addresses between the years 1935 and 1973. They have been placed together in this opening volume
Publisher’s Description: What does the Old Testament have to do with Jesus Christ? Everything. The first five books of the Old Testament were written centuries before the birth of Jesus.
Publisher Description: In this book, Dr. Vos’ reflects on the Epistle to the Hebrews and its theological themes. In chapter 1, Vos explains why the outstanding feature of the Epistle
Publisher’s Description The uniqueness of Vos’s emphasis on the centrality of the covenantal work of Jesus Christ in history and our possession of that work through His mediation draws us
Publisher’s Description Geerhardus Vos has been called “the father of Reformed biblical theology.” During his 39 years as a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, he achieved the reputation of a
For the third episode of Vos Group, Dr. Lane Tipton joins Camden Bucey to discuss the final portion of the first chapter of Geerhardus Vos’s Biblical Theology (pp. 11-18, “Guiding
Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. joins us to speak about his book By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation, now in its second edition and published by P&R
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During our symposium, “Crossroads of Conviction,” D. G. Hart had a spirited exchange with Timon Cline regarding establishmentarianism. With respect to the American founding, Dr. Hart made a comment regarding
Geerhardus Vos mounted a heavenly vantage point from which he surveyed the world and all its happenings. From the high tower of God’s Word, he saw with eagle-eye clarity the
In 1936, at the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America—later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)—official greetings were received from the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
In the first issue of The Presbyterian Guardian, the editors shared their desire and justification for the new paper. We hope that this paper will make its way on merit among
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