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Book 1, Chapter 11, Sections 1-4: Impiety of Attributing a Visible Form to God…


  1. God is opposed to idols, that all may know he is the only fit witness to himself. He expressly forbids any attempt to represent him by a bodily shape.
  2. Reasons for this prohibition from Moses, Isaiah, and Paul. The complaint of a heathen. It should put the worshipers of idols to shame.
  3. Consideration of an objection taken from various passages in Moses. The Cherubim and Seraphim show that images are not fit to represent divine mysteries. The Cherubim belonged to the tutelage of the Law.
  4. The materials of which idols are made, abundantly refute the fiction of idolaters. Confirmation from Isaiah and others. Absurd precaution of the Greeks.


Reformed Classics is a program delivering audio productions of classic reformed works. Currently, Reformed Classics is working through the Henry Beveridge translation of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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