New Publications: March 2023

The Holy Spirit

Robert Letham; foreword by Cornelis P. Venema

The Holy Spirit is God and indivisible from the Father and the Son. Robert Letham thus develops a holistic and canonical view of the Spirit in the context of the Trinity, the person and work of Christ, and redemption. Heeding the cumulative wisdom of God’s people through the ages, he touches on disputed matters with care and grace—ultimately providing a deeply biblical, irenic, and engaging contribution to our understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

P&R Publishing. 376 pages. Paperback. Available now.

Biblical Theology: A Canonical, Thematic, and Ethical Approach

Andreas J. Köstenberger & Gregory Goswell

Pastors, thoughtful Christians, and students of Scripture must learn how to carefully read and understand the Bible, but it can be difficult to know where to start. In this clear, logical guide, Andreas J. Köstenberger and Gregory Goswell explain how to interpret Scripture from three effective viewpoints: canonical, thematic, and ethical.

Biblical Theology is arranged book by book from the Old Testament (using the Hebrew order) through the New Testament. For each text, Köstenberger and Goswell analyze key biblical-theological themes, discussing the book’s place in the overall storyline of Scripture. Next, they focus on the ethical component, showing how God seeks to transform the lives of his people through the inspired text. Following this technique, readers will better understand the theology of each book and its author.

Crossway. 1,016 pages. Hardcover w/jacket. Available March 21, 2023.

Personality & Worldview

J. H. Bavinck; translated and edited by James Eglinton; foreword by Timothy Keller

Modern evangelicals differ on their concept of “worldview.” Many have varying definitions of it and some even consider it to be a wholly unhelpful term in understanding the world around them. This volume by Johan Herman Bavinck examines the relationship between the soul, each human’s unique personality, and worldview―acknowledging the importance of worldview while recognizing the dangers if worldviews are misapplied. 

Personality and Worldview by J. H. Bavinck, nephew and student of Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck, creates a distinction between a worldvision (which all people have) and a worldview (which only few have in a mature and wise way). Profoundly influenced by the works of St. Augustine, Bavinck challenges readers to allow the gospel to reshape their worldviews and their personalities as they pursue godly wisdom. Translated into English for the first time by James Eglinton, Bavinck’s accessible prose, personal applications, and more will greatly serve pastors, students, and laypeople alike. 

Crossway. 208 pages. Hardcover w/jacket. Available April 18, 2023.


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