Redemptive-Historical Interpretation
In this special live recording of Christ the Center, Camden Bucey, Lane Tipton, Jim Cassidy, and guest Marcus Mininger explore the vital topic of redemptive historical interpretation. Dr. Mininger is
In this special live recording of Christ the Center, Camden Bucey, Lane Tipton, Jim Cassidy, and guest Marcus Mininger explore the vital topic of redemptive historical interpretation. Dr. Mininger is
Join us for the Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza 2024, a four-hour special filled with lively theological discussion, reflections on the past year, and a look ahead to what’s in store
Join Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy in this special live-streamed episode of Christ the Center. From discussing the “first annual” Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza to regional meetups and exciting book
In preparation of our upcoming annual theology conference, Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy reflect on the global mission of the church through the lens of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).
There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus. John begins to decrease, and Jesus begins to increase. The Lord Jesus
In this special live recording of Christ the Center, Camden Bucey, Lane Tipton, Jim Cassidy, and guest Marcus Mininger explore the vital topic of redemptive historical interpretation. Dr. Mininger is
Join us for the Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza 2024, a four-hour special filled with lively theological discussion, reflections on the past year, and a look ahead to what’s in store
Join Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy in this special live-streamed episode of Christ the Center. From discussing the “first annual” Reformed Forum Christmas Extravaganza to regional meetups and exciting book
In preparation of our upcoming annual theology conference, Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy reflect on the global mission of the church through the lens of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).
There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus. John begins to decrease, and Jesus begins to increase. The Lord Jesus
In this episode of Christ the Center, Camden Bucey and Jim Cassidy discuss the profound theme of the Great Commission and God’s overarching plan for the nations. This conversation serves
Something significant is missing in Genesis 34 as we read one of the most shocking stories of Scripture. How do you preach Christ in a text where a violent act
Paul calls upon his readers to remember five realities of their former life: separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants, having no hope, and
In this episode, Camden Bucey connects with Jim Cassidy, pastor of South Austin OPC and president of the Reformed Forum board, to discuss global theological education and Reformed missions. Dr.
Although humanity is dead and lost in sin, with no way to merit favor with God, God is rich in mercy and loves his people with a great love. Those
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Geerhardus Vos mounted a heavenly vantage point from which he surveyed the world and all its happenings. From the high tower of God’s Word, he saw with eagle-eye clarity the
In 1936, at the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America—later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)—official greetings were received from the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
In the first issue of The Presbyterian Guardian, the editors shared their desire and justification for the new paper. We hope that this paper will make its way on merit among
On July 11, 2024, we recorded a webinar with Harrison Perkins, author of Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction (Lexham Academic). This event explored the multifaceted nature of covenant theology,
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