Join us for the second part of a two part discussion of the atonement and covenant theology. The group discusses the nature of the atonement and its natural and even necessary fit within covenant theology. Christ, as the second Adam, represents his elect and atones for their sins which were committed under the first covenant. Jeff also speaks about the new festschrift for Richard Gaffin which he has edited with Lane Tipton.
- Jim Cassidy
- Jeff Waddington
- Camden Bucey
Bavinck, Herman. Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 3: Sin and Salvation in Christ. Baker Academic, 2006.
Carson, D. Memoirs of an ordinary pastor : the life and reflections of Tom Carson. Wheaton Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
Chalke, Steve. The lost message of Jesus. 1st ed. Grand Rapids Mich.: Zondervan, 2003.
Christ and Culture Revisited. Inter Varsity Pr, 2008.
Dabney, Robert. Christ our penal substitute. Richmond Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1898.
Dennison, Wilam A., and William D. Dennison. Paul’s Two-Age Construction and Apologetics. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2000.
Fesko, J. Diversity within the reformed tradition : supra- and infralapsarianism in Calvin, Dort, and Westminster. Greenville SC: Reformed Academic Press, 2001.
_____. Justification : understanding the classic Reformed doctrine. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
_____. Last things first : unlocking Genesis 1-3 with the Christ of eschatology. Fearn Ross-shire Great Britain: Mentor, 2007.
_____. What is justification by faith alone? Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Frame, John. Doctrine of the Christian life, 1979.
Gaffin, Richard. Resurrection and eschatology : theology in service of the church : essays in honor of Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
_____. Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology. 2. P & R Publishing, 1987.
Griffith, Howard. Creator, Redeemer, Consummator : a festschrift for Meredith G. Kline. Greenville S.C. ;Jackson Miss.: Reformed Academic Press ;;Reformed Theological Seminary, 2000.
Hall, David. A theological guide to Calvin’s Institutes : essays and analysis. Phillipsburg N.J.: P&R Pub., 2008.
Hodge, Archibald, and Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). The Atonement. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1867.
Jeffery, S. Pierced for our transgressions : rediscovering the glory of penal substitution. Wheaton Ill.: Crossway Books, 2007.
Kay, Brian. Trinitarian spirituality : John Owen and the doctrine of God in western devotion. Bletchley Milton Keynes UK ;;Waynesboro GA: Paternoster, 2007.
Morris, Leon. The apostolic preaching of the cross. [1st ed.]. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955.
_____. The Atonement, its meaning and significance. Downers Grove Ill. USA: Inter-Varsity Press, 1983.
_____. The Cross in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1965.
Murray, John. Redemption, accomplished and applied. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1955.
_____. The Atonement. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1962.
Nicole, Roger. The glory of the atonement : biblical, historical & practical perspectives : essays in honor of Roger Nicole. Downers Grove Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2004.
Oliphint, K. Scott. Things that cannot be shaken : holding fast to your faith in a relativistic world. Wheaton Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
_____. Justified In Christ: God’s plan for us in justification. Mentor, 2007.
“OPC Report on Justification.”
Owen, John. The death of death in the death of Christ : a treatise in which the whole controversy about universal redemption is fully discussed. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1959.
Packer, J. In my place condemned He stood : celebrating the glory of the atonement. Wheaton Ill.: Crossway Books, 2008.
Peterson, David. Where wrath and mercy meet : proclaiming the atonement today : papers from the fourth Oak Hill College annual school of theology. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002.
Schreiner, Thomas. New Testament theology : magnifying God in Christ. Grand Rapids Mich.: Baker Academic, 2008.
Silva, MoiseÌs. Philippians. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, 2005.
Stott, John. The cross of Christ. England: INTER-VARSITY PRESS, 2006.
Vanhoozer, Kevin. The drama of doctrine : a canonical-linguistic approach to Christian theology. 1st ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.
Participants: Camden Bucey, Jeff Waddington, Jim Cassidy

Christ the Center focuses on Reformed Christian theology. In each episode a group of informed panelists discusses important issues in order to encourage critical thinking and a better understanding of Reformed doctrine with a view toward godly living. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.