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Harmonizing the Gospels

Dr. Vern Poythress speaks about the important topic of harmonizing the gospels by sharing with us features of his book Inerrancy and the Gospels: A God-Centered Approach to the Challenges of Harmonization. Answering the challenges of critics, Dr. Poythress argues for the uncompromisingly foundational role of Scripture and a proper attitude as we come to approach it. He provides several useful principles for the task of harmonization and walks the reader through a number of examples in order to demonstrate his God-centered approach.

Dr. Poythress is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.

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Christ the Center focuses on Reformed Christian theology. In each episode a group of informed panelists discusses important issues in order to encourage critical thinking and a better understanding of Reformed doctrine with a view toward godly living. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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