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The Perils of Naming a Denomination

Brad Isbell (@ChortlesWeakly) briefly steps away from the General Assembly floor, Twitter, and Presbycast to jump on another podcast mic to speak with Camden Bucey about the PCA General Assembly and the storied histories of naming the OPC and the PCA.

Mr. Isbell is a ruling elder at Covenant PCA in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Along with @Wresbyterian, he hosts Presbycast. He recently wrote, “What’s in a Denominational Name?” for the Nicotine Theological Journal. The article has also been published at The Aquila Report.


  • 00:00 General Assemblies Review
  • 09:43 More in the PCA
  • 15:18 PCA and OPC 50th Anniversaries
  • 19:36 Denominational Names
  • 32:06 Ardor and Order in the National Presbyterian Church
  • 46:14 Presbyterian Collegiality
  • 48:52 Church Planting Old School Ordinary Means of Grace Churches
  • 53:11 Conclusion

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