Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey discuss ecclesiology and R. B. Kuiper’s classic book, The Glorious Body of Christ. They focus primarily on ecumenism and how different church bodies relate to one another. But the two also discuss the nature of church power and authority and the challenges involved in administering church discipline across denominational lines.
- Minutes from the ninth General Assembly of the OPC (the reports of the committee begin on p. 28)
- 00:00:07 Introduction
- 00:06:27 R. B. Kuiper’s The Glorious Body of Christ
- 00:19:23 The Spirituality of the Church
- 00:23:50 Church Power and Authority
- 00:27:28 Ecumenical Relations
- 00:38:34 Barriers to Ecumenical Relations between the CRC and OPC
- 00:49:18 Church Discipline across Denominations
- 00:59:14 When General Assemblies Err
- 01:03:05 Final Comments
- 01:05:32 Conclusion

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