
The New Shape of World Christianity

Mark A. Noll discusses his latest book The New Shape of World Christianity: How American Experience Reflects Global Faith. Dr. Noll is Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. In addition to Dr. Noll, Christ the Center was pleased to welcome back Darryl G. Hart. Hart has written several books including A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State and Deconstructing Evangelicalism: Conservative Protestantism in the Age of Billy Graham.

The main point of the book is that American Christianity is important for the world primarily because the world is coming more and more to look like America. Noll argues that the key to understanding the new shape of global Christianity lies in understanding the shifts and changes Christianity underwent when it moved from Europe to America. Noll focuses on three main factors:

  1. What happened in the US in the late 18th c.
  2. The voluntary element of the great mission work
  3. The type of faith that resulted.


Berry, Wendell. What are People For?: Essays. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990.

Hart, D. G. Deconstructing Evangelicalism: Conservative Protestantism in the Age of Billy Graham. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, 2004.

———. A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State. Ivan R. Dee, Publisher, 2006.

Hart, D. G., and John R. Muether. Seeking a Better Country: 300 Years of American Presbyterianism. P & R Publishing, 2007.

Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Rev Exp. Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.

Kalu, Ogbu. African Pentecostalism: An Introduction. Oxford University Press, USA, 2008.

Noll, Mark A. A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1992.

———. America’s God: From Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln. New Ed. Oxford University Press, USA, 2005.

———. God and Race in American Politics: A Short History. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2008.

———. The New Shape of World Christianity: How American Experience Reflects Global Faith. Downers Grove Ill.: IVP Academic, 2009.

———. The Old Religion in a New World: The History of North American Christianity. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001.

Protestantism and Politics in Korea. Univ of Washington Pr, 2009.

Sanneh, Lamin O. Disciples of All Nations: Pillars of World Christianity. 1st ed. Oxford University Press, USA, 2007.

———. Whose Religion Is Christianity?: The Gospel beyond the West. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003.

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