The Masculine Mandate

Richard D. Phillips visits Christ the Center to discuss his new book The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men. The book is a reaction to recent cultural trends as well as John Eldredge’s mega-hit Wild at Heart. Much more than a simple reaction, Rev. Phillips promotes a positive, biblical approach to masculinity by touching on biblical anthropology and God’s specific call that men should “work” and “keep.”

Rick is Senior Minister of Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC and the author of several books including Jesus the Evangelist, What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace?, and the Hebrews and Zechariah Reformed Expository commentaries.



Eldredge, John. Wild at Heart: Discovering the Passionate Soul of a Man. Nashville Tenn.: T. Nelson, 2001.

Phillips, Richard D. Hebrews. Reformed expository commentary. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2006.

———. Jesus the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel From the Book of John. Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust Pub., 2007.

———. The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men. Lake Mary Fla.: Reformation Trust Pub., 2009.

———. What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? Lake Mary FL: Reformation Trust Pub., 2008.

———. Saved by Grace: The Glory of Salvation in Ephesians 2. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 2009.

———. Zechariah. P & R Publishing, 2007.

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