The Early Machen

Danny Olinger, John Muether, Darryl Hart, and Camden Bucey explore the life and legacy of J. Gresham Machen, discussing Richard E. Burnett’s provocative book, Machen’s Hope: The Transformation of a Modernist in the New Princeton. Burnett seeks to reframe Machen as both modern and orthodox, portraying him as a “conservative modernist” who employed modern intellectual methods while remaining firmly committed to Reformed theology. This episode critically examines Burnett’s thesis and evaluates its contribution to understanding Machen’s theological and historical significance.

While Burnett rightly highlights Machen’s struggles in Germany and at Princeton, the panel critiques his more contemporary definition of the terms “modern” and “modernist,” noting they often diverge from Machen’s own vocabulary and theological focus. They emphasize that even the younger Machen remained theologically orthodox and discerning of heterodoxy, as seen in his critiques of figures such as his professor Wilhelm Herrmann.

Furthermore, the panel questions Burnett’s emphasis on Machen’s early crises over his later, defining contributions—such as founding Westminster Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church—arguing that this framing risks downplaying Machen’s lifelong theological battle against liberalism, which he saw as denying God’s direct intervention in history and thus undermining the gospel.

This episode sheds light on Machen’s enduring legacy and his vital contributions to Reformed orthodoxy. Overall, the panelists contend that Machen’s hope was centered on God’s supernatural action in history, a hope Machen famously summarized in his final words: “So thankful for active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.”


Watch on YouTube and Vimeo.


  • 00:00:07 Introduction
  • 00:05:00 Machen’s Significance
  • 00:25:13 Machen’s Family Background
  • 00:41:44 Machen at Marburg
  • 00:48:31 Machen, Vos, and History
  • 00:54:54 Machen’s Mentors
  • 01:05:28 Assessing Machen
  • 01:20:53 Conclusion

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