Are All Van Tilians Equal?

In this brief episode, Camden Bucey discusses the Van Tilian interpretive tradition. Cornelius Van Til was an influential figure in the development of a distinctively Reformed apologetic. Camden Bucey discusses the issue of divergences in the Van Tilian interpretive tradition. In drawing out the insights of Greg Bahnsen, John Frame, Scott Oliphint, and Lane Tipton, Bucey provides a brief look into the current landscape of Van Tilian apologetics.

Books on Van Tilian apologetics


Historia Ecclesiastica is an audio program dedicated to the history of the church. In each episode a particular event or person that is influential in the development of the church will be studied in order to inform the present day. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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The Genevan Réveil

In this episode we welcome Dr. Jean Decorvet and Dr. Kenneth Stewart to explore The Geneva Réveil, a significant yet often overlooked nineteenth-century evangelical revival that reshaped French-speaking Protestantism and

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