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Issues in Systematic Theology

Jeff Waddington and Camden Bucey speak about various contemporary issues in systematic theology. The conversation centers mainly on union with Christ and the salvific benefits that flow from that union.

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Perspectives on the Sabbath

Chris Donato joins the panel to speak about various views on the Sabbath. Mr. Donato has editing the book Perspectives on the Sabbath: 4 Views published by Broadman and Holman Publishers. Skip

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Preaching the Fullness of Christ

The relationship of justification and sanctification has returned to the forefront of several Twitter and blog circles. William B. Evans rekindled the discussion with a response to Tullian Tchividjian’s formulation of justification,

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Redeeming Sociology

Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Dr. Vern Poythress back to the program to discuss his latest book Redeeming Sociology. The title alone may leave some people wondering why

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Zephaniah: Protology in Eschatology

Mark A. Winder joins the panel to discuss the rich redemptive-historical themes of Zephaniah. Mark has written a thesis titled Zephaniah: Protology in Eschatology and takes time to walk us

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Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutics

Lane G. Tipton provides the biblical warrant for a transtestamental gospel that understands the organic unity of the Old and New Testaments. Tipton contributed a chapter to the recent Confident

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Issues in Systematic Theology

Jeff Waddington and Camden Bucey speak about various contemporary issues in systematic theology. The conversation centers mainly on union with Christ and the salvific benefits that flow from that union.

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Perspectives on the Sabbath

Chris Donato joins the panel to speak about various views on the Sabbath. Mr. Donato has editing the book Perspectives on the Sabbath: 4 Views published by Broadman and Holman Publishers. Skip

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Preaching the Fullness of Christ

The relationship of justification and sanctification has returned to the forefront of several Twitter and blog circles. William B. Evans rekindled the discussion with a response to Tullian Tchividjian’s formulation of justification,

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Redeeming Sociology

Christ the Center is pleased to welcome Dr. Vern Poythress back to the program to discuss his latest book Redeeming Sociology. The title alone may leave some people wondering why

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Zephaniah: Protology in Eschatology

Mark A. Winder joins the panel to discuss the rich redemptive-historical themes of Zephaniah. Mark has written a thesis titled Zephaniah: Protology in Eschatology and takes time to walk us

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Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutics

Lane G. Tipton provides the biblical warrant for a transtestamental gospel that understands the organic unity of the Old and New Testaments. Tipton contributed a chapter to the recent Confident

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From the Archives

The Aaronic Blessing of Numbers 6

In this episode, we welcome back Michael Glodo, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Rev. Glodo has written The Lord Bless You and Keep

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The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Bruce Baugus to our program to discuss his book, The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology, published by Reformation Heritage Books. In this comprehensive work,

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