Camden Bucey and Ryan Noha cover a wide range of topics important to our community, including an in-depth review of the Reformed Academy’s progress, what we’ve accomplished, the lessons we’ve learned, and what we have planned for the upcoming year, including new ideas and a proposed schedule.
We also dive into our recent and upcoming events and meetups, sharing highlights from our trip to California, details about our visit to Arizona, thoughts about our upcoming symposia, our big pre-conference in Greenville, and our participation in the PCA and OPC General Assemblies.
Additionally, we discuss potential future cities for our meetups and events, ensuring our community remains vibrant and connected. Furthermore, we provide an update on the Reformed Forum Magazine, sharing exciting developments and what readers can look forward to.
Most importantly, this town hall was an opportunity for us to engage directly with you. We took questions from our livestream listeners, addressing your curiosities, concerns, and suggestions. Whether you’re deeply invested in the Reformed community or simply curious about what we do, this town hall was a meaningful dialogue about our collective journey and future aspirations.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:55 Financial Update
- 00:22:33 Reformed Academy
- 00:30:13 Past and Upcoming Events
- 00:48:55 A New Book on Van Til
- 00:51:36 General Assemblies, Synods, and Meetups
- 00:56:01 Reformed Forum Magazine
- 00:59:17 Random Topics
- 01:01:02 Alabama and Michigan Football Predictions
- 01:03:37 Forthcoming Books
- 01:07:57 Episodes on Southern Presbyterianism
- 01:10:54 Reformed Forum 2024 Annual Conference
- 01:11:52 Conclusion
Participants: Camden Bucey, Ryan Noha

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