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Available Courses

Calvinism: The Plan of Salvation
Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this course combines exegetical, biblical, and systematic theology to set forth the glorious truth of the Reformed doctrine of the plan of salvation.

Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us
Taught by Daniel Ragusa, this course follows the organic and progressive unfolding of God’s covenant that is consummated in a bond of friendship and crowned with joy that is full and forever.

Calvinistic Trinitarianism: A Reformed Federalist Alternative to Thomistic Sacerdotalism
Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this course offers a comprehensive Reformed alternative to the system of Thomism—Calvinistic Trinitarian federalism.

The Life of Abraham (Genesis 12–25)
Taught by Rev. Robert Arendale, this course explores the life and ministry of the great patriarch Abraham in Genesis 12–25. Abraham is presented in Scripture as the father of the faithful, as an example of walking by faith in the promises of God, and as a type and picture of the coming King, the Lord Jesus.

The Theology of Calvin’s Institutes (Books 1–2)
Taught by Dr. Carlton Wynne, this course aims to assist the church in reading and understanding the 1559 edition of the Reformer John Calvin’s magnum opus, his Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Introduction to the Pentateuch
Taught by Dr. Mark Winder, this course provides a nontechnical, Christ-centered introduction to the first five books of the Old Testament.

The Trinitarian Theology of Thomas Aquinas
Dr. Lane G. Tipton offers a sustained exposition of the Trinitarian structure of Thomas Aquinas’s theology, emphasizing that his entire body of work is governed by the concept of exitus (departure) and reditus (return) in the context of divine and human processions.

Exploring 1 Peter: Ethics at the End of All Things
Taught by Dr. Kevin Chiarot, this course is an exposition of the apostle Peter’s first letter to the suffering Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor.

Van Til and Idealism
In the eighth and final course of our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, Dr. Lane Tipton examines Van Til’s exposition and critique of Transcendental Idealism (Kant) and Absolute Idealism (Hegel).

The Gospel of John: A Study in the Truth (Chapters 1–10)
Dr. Jim Cassidy teaches an overview of the Gospel of John that unpacks key themes (e.g., truth), which will help students in their Christ-centered interpretation of the book as a whole.

Van Til and Barth: A Confessionally Reformed Critique
In the seventh course of our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, Dr. Jim Cassidy and Dr. Lane Tipton offer extensive exposition and sustained theological critique of Karl Barth from a confessionally Reformed perspective.

Christology, Redemptive History, and Hermeneutics
In the sixth course of our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, Dr. Lane G. Tipton explores Van Til’s doctrine of the person and work of Christ in polemical engagement with modern christological alternatives.

The Book of Job
Dr. Jim Cassidy teaches an overview of the book of Job and its theology, giving special attention to its redemptive-historical and canonical context.

Exploring 2 Peter: The Promise and the Path
Taught by Rev. Daniel Ragusa, this course explores 2 Peter with special attention to Peter’s use of redemptive history in his depiction and defense of the Christian life as oriented toward Christ and the future.

Van Til’s Apologetic Method
In the fifth course of our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, Dr. Lane G. Tipton explores Cornelius Van Til’s distinctive presuppositional or transcendental approach to defending Christian Theism as a unit.

Common Grace and the Antithesis
Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this fourth course in our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics is designed to enable students to understand and express the reformed doctrine of common grace and the antithesis between the believer and the unbeliever in light of the theology of Cornelius Van Til.

Zephaniah’s Protology in Eschatology: A Major Theme in a Minor Prophet
Taught by Dr. Mark Winder, this course explores the book of Zephaniah in its context, demonstrating how the prophet utilizes protological themes to construct an eschatological picture pointing to the great Day of the Lord.

Machen and the Presbyterian Controversy
Taught by Dr. Darryl G. Hart, this course in church history explores the life and legacy of J. Gresham Machen, fighter of the good fight of faith during the Presbyterian controversy of the 1920s and 30s.

Van Til’s Doctrine of Revelation
In the third course in our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, Lane G. Tipton unpacks Van Til’s doctrine of revelation from both the divine and human sides, contrasting the distinctly Reformed conception of nature and Scripture with Romanist and Modernist errors.