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Reformed Forum Express

Law and Gospel

Errors abound when readers of Scripture confuse law and gospel. Dr. Lane G. Tipton describes the uses of the law and the wonderful news that

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The Covenant of Grace

Dr. Lane G. Tipton describes the Covenant of Grace and its two administrations. This is an important lesson that pictures for us the wonderful salvation

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The Benefits of Salvation

The gospel is first and foremost the good news about the resurrected Christ. Through union with the resurrected Christ believers receive justification, adoption, sanctification, and

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What is the Gospel?

Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, speaks about the heart of the Christian message.

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God’s Being and Marriage

Winston Smith joins the panel to discuss Christian marriage and his book Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments. Smith is a counselor and faculty member

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Law and Gospel

Errors abound when readers of Scripture confuse law and gospel. Dr. Lane G. Tipton describes the uses of the law and the wonderful news that

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The Covenant of Grace

Dr. Lane G. Tipton describes the Covenant of Grace and its two administrations. This is an important lesson that pictures for us the wonderful salvation

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The Benefits of Salvation

The gospel is first and foremost the good news about the resurrected Christ. Through union with the resurrected Christ believers receive justification, adoption, sanctification, and

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What is the Gospel?

Dr. Lane G. Tipton, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, speaks about the heart of the Christian message.

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God’s Being and Marriage

Winston Smith joins the panel to discuss Christian marriage and his book Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments. Smith is a counselor and faculty member

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The Upside-Down Kingdom

We welcome Chris Castaldo to the program to explore the Beatitudes. In his book, The Upside-Down Kingdom, Castaldo offers a fresh perspective on these familiar

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