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Union with Christ: The Benefits of His Suffering and Glory

Lane Tipton

Dr. Lane G. Tipton is pastor of Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Easton, Pennsylvania and Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Forum.
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This course aims to build up the saints in their understanding of two basic features of Reformed theology: 1) redemption accomplished by Christ for the church in his humiliation and exaltation, suffering and glory; and 2) how that redemption accomplished by Christ is applied by Christ’s Spirit, working through the Word, uniting the church to Christ by faith in effectual calling. Further elaboration is given to the benefits of that union in justification, sanctification, and adoption, all of which serve communion with Christ and the worship of the triune God. At every point, special attention is devoted to how the cross and resurrection of Christ shape and empower both union with Christ and the benefits of that union. Designed for the advanced Sunday school level, the course material is organized in terms of the teaching of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, questions 23 through 38.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate how (1) Christ has accomplished redemption as prophet, priest and king in the estates of humiliation and exaltation; and (2) the Spirit of Christ has applied that redemption in faith-union with Christ.
  • Identify, distinguish, and relate the benefits of redemption, including justification, sanctification, and adoption.
  • Apply redemptive-historical hermeneutics to see the gospel as both the central redemptive subject matter and telos of the Old Testament.
  • Analyze and evaluate views that abstract the benefits of redemption from Christ the benefactor or otherwise downplay the centrality of union with Christ in terms of the application of redemption.

Total course duration: 6 hours, 2 minutes.

Reformed Forum is an approved provider of Continuing Education Units through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). This course is approved for 6.02 Educational CEUs. Take this course for ACSI CEU credit.

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The Life of Abraham (Genesis 12–25)

Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Login to Enroll Course Materials Taught by Rev. Robert Arendale, this course explores the life and ministry of the great patriarch Abraham