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Ancient-Reformed Worship

History of Knox Liturgy

History of Knox Liturgy[1] By Bard Thompson[2] Edited by Glen Clary Upon the death of Edward VI in 1553, Mary Tudor brought back the Roman religion to England; and a

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History of the Genevan Liturgy

History of the Genevan Liturgy1 By Bard Thompson2 Edited by Glen Clary The first Reformer to arrive on the Genevan scene was the fiery Frenchman, William Farel, a fearless campaigner

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Eating with Sinners

In the Gospels, Jesus is frequently criticized by his enemies for eating with sinners. For example, Luke tells us that when “tax collectors and sinners” were drawing near to hear

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History of Knox Liturgy

History of Knox Liturgy[1] By Bard Thompson[2] Edited by Glen Clary Upon the death of Edward VI in 1553, Mary Tudor brought back the Roman religion to England; and a

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History of the Genevan Liturgy

History of the Genevan Liturgy1 By Bard Thompson2 Edited by Glen Clary The first Reformer to arrive on the Genevan scene was the fiery Frenchman, William Farel, a fearless campaigner

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Eating with Sinners

In the Gospels, Jesus is frequently criticized by his enemies for eating with sinners. For example, Luke tells us that when “tax collectors and sinners” were drawing near to hear

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