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April 2015

To Glorify & Enjoy God!

Welcome to Theology Simply Profound: a Podcast of Westminster Presbyterian Church, an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, serving the western suburbs of Chicago. Theology Simply Profound is where simple Christians will discuss

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Theology and Philosophy

In an article discussing the theology of Albert Ritschl, Herman Bavinck writes that throughout history Christian theology “fashioned for herself a philosophy or appropriated an existing one such that as that

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A Theological Tree of Life

. . . all eschatological interpretation of history, when united to a strong religious mentality cannot but produce the finest practical theological fruitage. To take God as source and end

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Is Karl Barth Neo-Orthodox?

Barth’s theology, fairly early on, received the label “neo-orthodox.” Barth himself rejected the label (CD III.3, xii). It is regarded by some today as a misnomer. As early as 1972,

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TGC 2015: Coming Home

In this episode, we recap our time at the Gospel Coalition 2015 National Conference. The conference was titled Coming Home: New Heaven and New Earth, and the sessions focused on eschatology. To start

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To Glorify & Enjoy God!

Welcome to Theology Simply Profound: a Podcast of Westminster Presbyterian Church, an Orthodox Presbyterian Church, serving the western suburbs of Chicago. Theology Simply Profound is where simple Christians will discuss

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Theology and Philosophy

In an article discussing the theology of Albert Ritschl, Herman Bavinck writes that throughout history Christian theology “fashioned for herself a philosophy or appropriated an existing one such that as that

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A Theological Tree of Life

. . . all eschatological interpretation of history, when united to a strong religious mentality cannot but produce the finest practical theological fruitage. To take God as source and end

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Is Karl Barth Neo-Orthodox?

Barth’s theology, fairly early on, received the label “neo-orthodox.” Barth himself rejected the label (CD III.3, xii). It is regarded by some today as a misnomer. As early as 1972,

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TGC 2015: Coming Home

In this episode, we recap our time at the Gospel Coalition 2015 National Conference. The conference was titled Coming Home: New Heaven and New Earth, and the sessions focused on eschatology. To start

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