In 1730 Jonathan Edward preached a sermon on Matthew 5:8 in which he gave consideration to the redemptive blessing which God bestows upon the pure in heart, namely, an all satisfying sight of God Himself.
In this typical substantive fashion, Jonathan Edwards undergirds his sermon on Matthew 5:8, “The Pure in Heart Blessed,” with a rich array of biblical, systematic and experiential theological elements. He deals specifically with what theologians have called the “beatific vision” and the great reward that the believer receives in a sight of God Himself. Edwards distinguishes between the natural and the spiritual sight. This sermon has a strong eschatological focus to it, placing it among the best of Edwards’ sermons on glory.
Participants: David Filson, Jeff Waddington, Nick Batzig

East of Eden devotes each episode to a work of Jonathan Edwards’. Several Edwards experts discuss the key features of the work in order to draw out Edwards rich biblical and systematic theology. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.