Book 1, Chapter 11, Sections 5-8: Impiety of Attributing a Visible Form to God…


  1. Objection,—That images are the books of the unlearned. Objection answered, 1. Scripture declares images to be teachers of vanity and lies.
  2. Answer continued, 2. Ancient Theologians condemn the formation and worship of idols.
  3. Answer continued,—3. The use of images condemned by the luxury and meretricious ornaments given to them in Popish Churches.
  4. The Church must be trained in true piety by another method.
  5. The second division of the chapter. Origin of idols or images. Its rise shortly after the flood. Its continual progress.


Reformed Classics is a program delivering audio productions of classic reformed works. Currently, Reformed Classics is working through the Henry Beveridge translation of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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