Book 1, Chapter 13, Sections 11-15: The Unity of the Divine Essence

  • Passages from the New Testament in which the Son is acknowledged to be the Lord of Hosts, the Judge of the world, the God of glory, the Creator of the world, the Lord of angels, the King of the Church, the eternal Λόγος, God blessed for ever, God manifest in the flesh, the equal of God, the true God and eternal life, the Lord and God of all believers. Therefore, the Eternal God.
  • Christ the Creator, Preserver, Redeemer, and Searcher of hearts. Therefore, the Eternal God.
  • Christ, by his own inherent power, wrought miracles, and bestowed the power of working them on others. Out of the Eternal God there is no salvation, no righteousness, no life. All these are in Christ. Christ, consequently, is the Eternal God. He in whom we believe and hope, to whom we pray, whom the Church acknowledges as the Saviour of the faithful, whom to know is life eternal, in whom the pious glory, and through whom eternal blessings are communicated, is the Eternal God. All these Christ is, and, therefore, he is God.
  • The Divinity of the Spirit proved. I. He is the Creator and Preserver of the world. II. He sent the Prophets. III. He quickeneth all things. IV. He is everywhere present. V. He renews the saints, and fits them for eternal life. VI. All the offices of Deity belong to him.
  • The Divinity of the Spirit continued. VII. He is called God. VIII. Blasphemy against him is not forgiven.


Reformed Classics is a program delivering audio productions of classic reformed works. Currently, Reformed Classics is working through the Henry Beveridge translation of John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Browse more episodes from this program or subscribe to the podcast feed.


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