Zephaniah’s Protology in Eschatology: A Major Theme in a Minor Prophet

Mark Winder

Dr. Mark A. Winder is pastor of Wolf River Presbyterian Church in Collierville, Tennessee and host of Reformed Forum’s Proclaiming Christ podcast. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, MS), and holds a Doctor of Ministry from Union University in Jackson, TN, his dissertation focusing on the hermeneutical and homiletical method of Geerhardus Vos applied to modern pulpit ministry.
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Taught by Dr. Mark Winder, this course explores the book of Zephaniah in its context, demonstrating how the prophet utilizes protological themes to construct an eschatological picture pointing to the great Day of the Lord. Beginning with an introduction to covenantal themes and establishing the theological assumptions and hermeneutical method employed in approaching Zephaniah, the course then unpacks the historical context in which Zephaniah ministers, particularly the dissolution of the Assyrian empire and the discovery of the Deuteronomic code during King Josiah’s reforms—the event and its implications. 

The course exposits Zephaniah’s prophecy and highlights the significant eschatological teaching formed within the framework of protological themes. At each turn where judgment is pronounced upon the evildoer, that same judgment holds forth overtones of hope for the faithful remnant—the hope of the coming Messiah.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Utilize the interpretive tools of historical context and covenantal structure to gain insight into the message of Zephaniah and other minor prophets.
  • Articulate a biblical understanding of the Day of the Lord and its past, present, and future significance.
  • Recognize the way in which the person and work of Jesus Christ are central to a full understanding of Zephaniah’s message.
  • Identify major thematic elements employed by Zephaniah to testify of God’s redemptive work.

Total course duration: 5 hours, 23 minutes. 



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Calvinism: The Plan of Salvation

Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Log In to Enroll Course Materials Taught by Dr. Lane G. Tipton, this course combines exegetical, biblical, and systematic theology to set